Refurbished Tonopen XL
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Used Phoropter Shin Nippon BR-7
Used Shin Nippon
Phoropter (+cyl) Cream
$2,197 with 90 days warranty
R-7, Manual Refractor
Pre-owned Manual Refractor
Shin Nippon BR-7
Mint condition
Built 2007
Incl. 1 year international warranty
Sphere power Range : +16.75 to -19.00 diopters
Step : 0.25 diopters
Cylinder power Range : 0.00 to - 6.00 diopters (0.00 to - 8.00
diopters with additional lens of - 2.00 diopters)
Step : 0.25 diopters
Cylinder axis 0°to 180°, 5°steps
Cross cylinder ±0.25 diopters
Rotary prisms 0 to 20?, 1?steps

(click to zoom)
Auxiliary lens dial
(O) - Open aperture (two positions)
(R) - Retinoscopic lens, +1.50D
(P) - Polarizing lens 145°- left eye
135°- right eye
(WMV) or (RMV) - Maddox rod, vertical
white - left eye
red - right eye
(WMH) or (RMH) - Maddox rod, horizontal
white - left eye
red - right eye
(RL) - Red lens
(+.12) - +0.12D shere
(PH) - Pin hole
(10?I) or (6?U) - 10?base-in - left eye
16?base-up - right eye
(Dissociating prisms)
(±.50) - ±0.50 fixed cross cylinder
(OC) - Occluder
P.D. adjustment 48~75mm, 1mm steps
Standard accessory lenses Two -0.12D and -2.00 cylinder lenses,
two plano lenses for sealing front opening
Standard accessories 1 near point card holder
and reading rod, dust cover, face shield, accessory case for lenses
Dimensions 318 × 293 × 96 (mm)
Net weight Approx. 4.5 kg
Standard color Greyk

accept all major credit cards
Phone: (305) 781 3117
Optivision2020, Inc. and Integral Medical Solutions Inc
9808 NW 80th AVE
Unit 10 - J
Hialeah Gardens FL. 33016
