Pachymeter Tomey SP-3000Your pachymeter Tomey SP-3000 should be comfortable.
With tone-assisted measurement and auto-averaging of up to ten (10) readings per location, the results of ten discreet points or up to 25 map points can be displayed, stored and/or printed for both OD and OS. Up to 12 exams can be stored in the internal memory of the Pachymeter Tomey SP-3000. Results can be displayed for each patient for the right eye or the left eye; stored for each patient in the optional 512 Kb (up to 1000 exams) memory card; or printed with the built-in printer, either as single points or the map. The Pachymeter Tomey SP-3000 is very flexible with operator
adjustable bias and velocity and three measurment ranges: 150-350mm, 300-1000mm,
and 900-1500mm for measuring both corneal and LASIK flap thickness as
desired. Bias Values
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